Mike BurkonsJul 1, 2011Scope of Service and Fee Proposals for ODOT PID 102011 and PID 114409Attachment #5 - Scope of Service and fee proposal ODOT PID 102011 7-31-17.PDFDownload PDF • 4.75MBAttachment #6 - Scope of services and fee proposal PID 114409 6-16-22.pdfDownload PDF • 28.25MB
Attachment #5 - Scope of Service and fee proposal ODOT PID 102011 7-31-17.PDFDownload PDF • 4.75MBAttachment #6 - Scope of services and fee proposal PID 114409 6-16-22.pdfDownload PDF • 28.25MB
This is NOT the 1st time. Twinsburg settled previous lawsuit alleging similar illegal conduct by Lt. Donato where the City also refused to provide the video they had of the incident.