Mike Burkons
Oct 20, 2021
Beachwood Mayor - Who I Am Voting For And Why
I expect it will surprise people to read I am voting for Justin. Many people know that I like Marty on a personal level tremendously,...

Mike Burkons
Oct 18, 2021
Tonight's Proposed Economic Incentive Package, it's flaws and simple way to fix them
At tonight’s Council meeting we will be asked to approve a very expensive economic development package. Below explains the flaws I see in...

Mike Burkons
Oct 15, 2021
Recap of Last Night's Council Meeting on Universal Pre-K
I wanted to give a quick update/ recap to last night's Council Committee Meeting about a City funded plan for universal preschool for...

Mike Burkons
Oct 8, 2021
Details of City Funded Universal Preschool for Beachwood Residents
Next Thursday (October 14, 2o21) at 7pm, there is a Beachwood City Council committee meeting where a plan for the creation of a City...